
Create a user topic if it does not exist yet


This plugin is of use in those cases where users are registered and authenticated externally, for example using LDAP. So users are not registered natively using its own registration workflow and therefore don't have a user topic in the Main web. This plugin fills that gap and creates a user's topic if it does not yet exist.


You can customize the template that is used to create a new user topic by setting the {NewUserTemplate} in configure, or by setting a NEWUSERTEMPLATE preference variable (e.g. in SitePreferences):

The latter will only take effect when not specified in configure. If not set, it defaults to NewUserTemplate. This plugin comes with an example template, NewLdapUserTemplate, to illustrate how to extract user data from an LDAP directory and integrate the information into the user's topic dynamically. You will need to install the Foswiki:Extensions/LdapNgPlugin and the Foswiki:Extensions/GluePlugin to make use of it.


During topic creation the following variables in the NEWUSERTEMPLATE are expanded:
  • $nop
  • %EXPAND{...}%

To expand additional VARIABLES, you can use the %EXPAND{}% or %STARTEXPAND% ... %STOPEXPAND%= syntax. All percent signs have to be escaped by $percnt, deeper recursion levels may use $dollar, too.


Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See for more help.



Change History

09 Sep 2016 remove /o flag from regular expressions
04 Apr 2014 flag rest handlers that don't require authentication
27 Feb 2013 disabled debug flag by default
29 Nov 2012 added service to bulk attach photos to user topics
22 Aug 2012 fixed VIEW_TEMPLATE setting in new user profile pages
11 Jul 2012 fixed expansion of variables in meta data
20 Jan 2012 fixed creating user profiles by not using deprecate Func apis; added better view template for ldap users; added way to configure new user templates via configure
11 Dec 2010 fixed dependencies of plugin and simplified example RenderLdapUser
13 Sep 2009 creating user homepages as RegistrationAgent
05 May 2009 also expand %25WIKINAME%25 and friends
24 Apr 2009 converted to foswiki plugin
18 Feb 2009 homepages are only created if we can get a WikiUserName that is a proper WikiWord
15 Sep 2008 Oliver Krueger: added EXPAND feature, removed noise in debug.txt
11 Jun 2008 added %STARTEXPAND%, %STOPEXPAND% to expand TML during topic creation
12 Feb 2008 remove leading/trailing whitespaces from NEWUSERTEMPLATE filename
09 Jan 2008 fixed spelling error
03 Jan 2008 fixed default values for NEWUSERTEMPLATE, clearing unset LDAP attributes
23 Oct 2007 work around infinite loop in combination with ActionTrackerPlugin
17 Sep 2007 replace usernames in formtemplates as well as in the topic text
18 Dec 2006 initial release

PackageForm edit

Author Michael Daum
Version 2.43
Release 09 Sep 2016
Description Create a user topic if it does not exist yet
Copyright 2006-2016, Michael Daum
License GPL (GNU General Public License)
Home Foswiki:Extensions/NewUserPlugin
Support Foswiki:Support/NewUserPlugin
Topic revision: r1 - 04 Mar 2019, UnknownUser
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